My Covid19 Vaccination – Part 3

The fight against covid19 continues.

Monday 6 December 2021 was a normal work day. I received an SMS text message from the Ministry of Health (MOH) during lunch break, inviting me to get a covid19 vaccine booster dose for getting an increased level of protection from severe illness resulting from covid19 infection, particularly with the emergence of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus in which it was first discovered in South Africa last month.

On Saturday 30 October, MOH had announced in a statement that all Singapore citizens aged 30 years old and above of whom have had their 2nd covid19 vaccine taken 5 months ago or earlier, can just walk-in to any Moderna vaccination centre for their booster shot with effect from Monday 1 November onwards. This means they need not wait for the MOH SMS invite being sent to their mobile phones.

Yes, I’ve chosen Moderna for my booster shot hence I went back to Woodlands Community Club (CC) for taking the jab on Saturday 18 December. I booked my 8am appointment via the SMS invite link given.

This week I was working from home, due to my work office undergoing renovation and hacking stuff. On Friday I thought I could go down early to Woodlands CC for taking the Moderna jab early so that I can have 2 full days of rest. However I had worked quite beyond my knock-off hour. Thinking that the vaccination centre would not be closing early and the last slot opening could be 8.30pm, I went to Woodlands at about 7.20pm, hoping to get the vaccine and doing my dinner thereafter.

Boy, I was wrong.

The last walk-in timing at Woodlands CC Moderna Vaccination Centre was 7.30pm!

Oh well, it is okay. I was just trying my luck. lol.

When I arrived at the CC at 8am the next day, I didn’t have to wait for my turn at all upon registration. Everything was completed within 10 minutes. Then I was ushered to rest and wait for about 15 minutes before I am called to be briefed by vaccination centre staff before leaving the site.

The same rule applies – If I feel feverish, I can take 2 fever pills each time every 6 hours. I should rest more. I am to drink more water. In the case of fever, I shall go see doctor if the fever occurs and persists on the third day. I was also advised – no strenuous exercise activity for 2 weeks after taking the vaccine.

I had a deep sleep rest. I did take my body temperature reading. It was 37.4 degree celsius but I felt okay. I did drink more water.

Fortunately, I was allowed to continue working from home the following Monday (20 December) “in the event if I do not feel well on Sunday”. 😀

Take care and stay safe, everyone!

My Covid19 Vaccination – Part 2

Saturday 17 July 2021.

It was the day when I had my 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine.

I arrived at Woodlands Community Club at the time slot which I had chosen – 8am.

As usual, I can exit the vaccination centre only if I am feeling alright after 30 minutes of rest upon taking the vaccine injection. Hence, the time allocated for me was 8.45am.

This arrangement is made for the reason that the vaccination centre personnel will be able to attend to anyone immediately in the event if there is an instant reaction upon taking the injection; for example, feeling faint or giddiness. Medical doctors and nurses are on standby.

For a moment, I thought we Singaporeans are a lucky bunch because our Government has went great lengths during the pandemic to ensure its citizens are well taken care of. It’s a blessing!

For the entire Saturday, I was feeling alright. I only feel a slight feeling of stiffness at the injected site on my left upper arm. I had a full night sleep lasting about 7-8 hours. It was until the next day when I woke up and felt abit hot before taking brunch. Using a thermometer, I took my temperature – 37.8!

My goodness. I had slight fever!

I understand that the side effects of the covid19 vaccine, be it Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty or Moderna, differs for everyone. It is a matter of how intense you feel it, heavy or light.

Afterall, the side effects are a result of the body building up immune response against covid19 virus with the vaccine taken. To put it simple, it is like your body is building “a firewall of protection in preparation for any strain variant of the covid19 virus infecting the body”. So this explains why you get the side effects such as fatigue, fever etc.

That said, it is not 100% protection. The vaccine helps to reduce the extent of the virus greatly, to a mild condition if you happen to get it. You will not be seriously ill. Furthermore, being vaccinated, it will not be very contagious if you infect surrounding people with the virus.

Okay, back to my fever.

As advised by the vaccination centre personnel, I took fever pills (2 tablets each time) every 6 hours. I rest more. I drank more water. I do not take any alcholic drinks. I shall see doctor if fever persists on the third day.

Fortunately, the fever quickly subsided by late night. As I was going back to work the next day (Monday 19 July), I popped another 2 fever pills again “for precaution” before bedtime. Voila, I was perfectly alright the next day. Healthy and kicking! There was no strenuous exercise for 1 week after taking the vaccine.

I have to wait for 14 days before the full protection effect starts in my body. And also achieving the “fully vaccinated” status” under the Singapore national vaccination programme.

Yes, I am now certified “fully vaccinated” as of Saturday 31 July! I can now protect myself as well as the people surrounding me.

As of Wednesday 28 July 2021, close to 56% of the Singapore population have had completed the full regimen, meaning received 2 doses or 1 dose for recovered covid19 individuals.

Singapore aims to vaccinate two-thirds of its population by the 56th National Day on Monday 9 August 2021. Keep fighting, Singapore!

My COVID19 Vaccination – Part 1

It was Friday 28 May 2021.

After leaving office, I changed into casual sporty attire, took grab to head down to my 1st dose covid19 vaccination appointment at Woodlands Community Club vaccination centre.

I registered for it on last weekend, and had received an SMS with my unique booking code from Ministry of Health (MOH) on the following Monday 24 May 2021 . From there, I arranged to book 2 appointment slots online for my covid19 vaccination, with the first dose appointment being on Friday.

I have chosen 6.30pm slot, however I arrived 30 minutes early.

At 6.20pm, I had my first jab! Yeah! Just in case you are wondering, I am taking Moderna vaccine.

Upon registration, minimal waiting was required before my turn to be vaccinated. Followed by 30 minutes of resting time thereafter. It is to ensure that vaccine receipients are alright and do not display any signs of immediate discomfort before leaving the vaccination centre.

Anyway, it is only the first dose so I still have to wear a mask, observe social distancing and sanitising my hands regularly. My 2nd dose appointment is at the same venue on Saturday 17 July 2021, 8am.

Up till now, I am feeling alright except feeling a slight soreness on the injected site on my left arm. I ate decent meals, have had sufficient rest on bed and kept myself hydrated by drinking lots of water.

According to Our World in Data, as of Monday 24 May 2021, 3.73 million doses of COVID19 vaccine are administered in Singapore. Presently, Singaporeans are given either Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines.

1.62 million people have had received 2 doses. This means 28.3% of the Singapore population is fully vaccinated so far.

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